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4-7岁学乐器准备班 4-7 Yrs Instrument Prep Class

Starts 10 Nov
60 British pounds
The Netherhall School

Available spots


4-7岁学乐器准备班 周日 11-11.45am,11月10日-12月8日 发现您的孩子对乐器很感兴趣,想让他们尝试学乐器吗?不管未来想学钢琴,小提琴,长笛,乌克丽丽等乐器,都可以透过此课程,体验音乐中重要的元素,老师将带领孩子们体验好玩的节奏游戏,听力练习,乐器介绍,歌曲演奏以及歌唱。 老师介绍: Sunny Hu 是一位英国注册音乐治疗师,也是一位超过15年教学经验的钢琴老师。她成立Tutti Music Therapy,提供乐器教学服务以及音乐治疗服务,服务对象包括特殊需球孩童,成人舒压团体,老年失智症,脑伤患者。 ------------------------------- Instrument Preparation Class for Ages 4-7 Sundays 11-11:45am, 10th Nov-8th Dec Have you noticed your child’s interest in musical instruments and want them to try learning one? Whether they want to learn piano, violin, flute, ukulele, or other instruments in the future, this course allows them to experience important elements of music. The teacher will guide the children through fun rhythm games, listening exercises, instrument introductions, song performances, and singing. Sunny Hu is a UK-registered music therapist. She is also a piano teacher with over 15 years of teaching experience. She founded Tutti Music Therapy, which provides instrumental teaching services and music therapy services. She works with children with special needs, adult stress relief groups, elderly with dementia, and brain injury patients.



  • 微信: xiaoqizhu_325 WhatsApp: 07747827411

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