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儿童创意美术班 Children's Creative Art Lessons

9月-12月学期 Sept-Dec Term

Started 8 Sept
From 195 British pounds
Queen Edith's Way

Available spots


学期日期:2024年9月8日-12月8日, 课程费用:13节课, 共 £195 上课时间: 素描水彩班:周日 10:00-11:30 儿童创意大班(7-10岁):周日 12:00-13:30, 儿童创意小班(4-6岁):周日 14:00-15:30 老师: 唐娜·麦克拉斯基(Donna McLuskie) 唐娜是一位屡获殊荣的艺术家和作家,热衷于帮助孩子们发现他们的创造潜力。她在Hills Road Sixth Form的写作小组的学生们赢得了个人作品的出版机会,并学习了如何组织和评判班级内部的创意写作比赛。在唐娜的艺术与科学俱乐部中,Coton Primary School的一组学生们在他们的研究项目中表现出如此的投入,他们成为了最年轻的一批被邀请参加剑桥科学节学校专区,向参观者展示他们的艺术和研究成果的学生。她的艺术作品曾获得全国性奖项,并且她曾两次获得英国文化协会和英国艺术委员会资助,前往冰岛进行创意研究。她的艺术作品在威尔士有长期展示,并且她经常在伦敦和剑桥举办展览。她的网站是 本学期,学生们每周都会带回家一些他们亲手制作的精美作品。为了纪念秋风,我们将制作风筝。我们还将雕刻面具、为植物设计家园、构想马赛克、蚀刻、装订书籍、设计灯笼、钥匙、木偶等。快来加入我们的冒险吧。所有活动都将根据年龄进行调整。例如,风筝将在三个班级中以不同的方式制作,但所有的风筝都会适合飞行 :) 本学期的主要主题是“循环利用”。 --------------------------------- Term dates: 8 September - 8 December 2024 Course Fee: 13 sessions, Total £195 Lesson times: Sundays 10:00-11:30 (Sketching & Watercolour); Sundays 12:00-13:30 (Creative Art Age 7-10); Sundays 14:00-15:30 (Creative Art Age 4-6). Teacher: Donna McLuskie Donna is an award-winning artist and writer who enjoys helping children discover their creative potential. Her Beta Writers Group students at Hills Road Sixth Form won individual publication of their work and learned how to organise and judge their own creative writing competition as a class. A group of Coton Primary School children in Donna’s art and science club engaged with such endeavour in their research project that they were the youngest students ever invited to the Cambridge Science Festival School Zone to share their art and research work with visitors. Donna has three adult sons. Her artwork has won a national award and she has been funded by the British Council and Arts Council England for two creative research trips to Iceland. She has artwork on permanent display in Wales and regularly exhibits in London and Cambridge. Her website is This term, students will take home something wonderful that they have made each week. To honour the autumn wind, we will make kites. We will sculpt a face, create home for a plant, imagine mosaics, etch, bookbind, devise lanterns, keys, puppets and more. Come join our adventure. All activities will be made age appropriate. For example, the kites will be made a different way for each of the three classes, but all of the kites will be airworthy : ) Our overriding theme this term is Recycle.



  • 123-456-7890

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